§ 727-3-B2. Blighted Property.
"Blighted property" shall mean any property, that, in its existing state, endangers the public's health, safety, or welfare because a structure or condition upon the property violates minimum health or safety standards. To be deemed "blighted" a property must meet at least two of the following criteria:
Within the prior year, a structure or a portion of a structure upon the property has been ordered vacated, kept vacant, or deemed dangerous or unsafe pursuant to Cincinnati Municipal Code ("CMC") Chapters 1101 and 1117;
The criminal activity upon the property is so substantial that the council has declared it a high crime property. In order for the council to declare a property a "high-crime property" the council must conduct a public hearing as set forth in § 727-15.
The property is chronically out of compliance with the requirements of CMC Chapters 714, 1101, 1117 or 1119, based on the number of violations contained within the notice(s) of violation issued pursuant to those chapters in the two preceding years. A property shall be deemed "chronically out of compliance" if the city's chief building official determines that the number of violations ordered corrected in the two preceding years was ten or more and, of those violations, at least ten were not addressed within the timeframe set forth in the notice(s) of violation.
The property is certified delinquent on the property's tax duplicate;
The property has outstanding health or fire code violations pursuant to CMC Chapter 602 or CMC §§ 1201-21 or 1201-33 and those violations have not been corrected within the time frame set forth in the notice(s) of violation; or
Within the prior two years, the property has been the subject of a failed blight remediation proposal.
(Ordained by Emer. Ord. No. 044-2011, § 1, eff. Feb. 16, 2011)