§ 407-65. Taximeter Regulations.
When a taxicab is not in service, the taximeter shall show no fare. When a taxicab is in service, and the taximeter rate is used, the flag or indicator on the taximeter shall be lowered and the taximeter shall be in the calculating position. Upon the completion of service of a taxicab the flag or indicator on the taximeter shall be raised, and the taximeter shall be returned to the noncalculating position and its dials cleared.
On any taxicab trip originating and terminating within the corporate limits of the city of Cincinnati, the taximeter rate shall be used provided the taxicab has not been engaged on the hourly or special trip rate.
On any trip originating within the corporate limits of the city of Cincinnati and terminating beyond the corporate limits of the city of Cincinnati, the taximeter rate shall be used and in addition to this rate a surcharge may be made, making the total trip charge equal to meter rate plus surcharge.
All charges other than the hourly rate or the special trip rate shall be made in accordance with the above and by no other method.
(C.O. 407-65; a. Ord. No. 132-1968, eff. May 3, 1968; reordained as C.M.C. 407-65, eff. Jan. 1, 1972; a. Ord. No. 489-1974, eff. Jan. 1, 1975; a. Ord. No. 190-1981, eff. May 13, 1981)
Cross reference
Penalty, § 407-999-C.