§ 701-99-B. Violation of Section 701-22 or 701-26.
Whoever violates Section 701-22 or 701-26 of this Chapter commits a Class B Civil Offense as defined by Section 1501-5(b) of the Cincinnati Municipal Code.
Whoever violates Section 701-22 or 701-26 of this Chapter for a second time in two years or less commits a Class B1 Civil Offense as defined by Section 1501-6 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code.
Whoever violates Section 701-22 or 701-26 of this Chapter three or more times in two years or less commits a Class C Civil Offense as defined by Section 1501-7(b) of the Cincinnati Municipal Code.
(Ordained by Ord. No. 509-1983, eff. Nov. 2, 1983; r. Ord. No. 460-1999, eff. Dec. 24, 1999; reordained by Emer. Ord. No. 325-2016, § 1, eff. Oct. 12, 2016)