§ 1423-03. Landscaping Plan.  

Latest version.
  • When landscaping is required, a landscaping plan must be submitted in conjunction with other application materials, as provided in Chapter 1441: Application Procedures, Fees, Permits and Certificates.


    Components of Plan. A landscaping plan must include a site plan, drawn to scale with a north arrow that is equal to standard architectural or engineering quality and indicates the following:


    The species and size of all existing trees greater than one and one-half inch caliper, showing those that are proposed for removal and those proposed for retention.


    All proposed plant materials clearly labeled and drawn to size at maturity.


    Adjacent land uses.


    Plant list, indicating common names, scientific names and varieties, quantities, planting sizes and types and plant spacing for hedges and screens for all plant materials proposed.


    Description of the proposed method of protecting existing trees during construction.


    Irrigation system, if any.


    Required Materials. All plant materials must be suitable for Cincinnati's soils and climatic conditions and the plant's slope exposure. Plant materials for plant unit mix options are defined in Schedule 1423-13-B.


    Plant material should be distributed so as to provide a relatively uniform planting. Where the planting is along a street and some visibility into the development is desired, the plant material may be arranged to provide view corridors.


    Ground cover must be installed appropriate to the surface conditions of the area. Grass is the default landscaping material, although in parking lots and on steep slopes, other ground covers able to withstand the physical conditions are appropriate.


    The landscaped planting areas should be entirely pervious except for fence or wall structures and walks that provide pedestrian access. No more than 25 percent of the required area may consist of impervious materials such as gravel, stones, or paving.


    Figure 1423-03 Example of Different Landscaping Materials

(Ordained by Ord. No. 15-2004, eff. Feb. 13, 2004)