§ 1415-07. Little Miami Riverfront Area Use Regulations.  

Latest version.
  • In the RF-R District, only public uses are permitted within the river bank area located between a line 200 feet inland from and congruent with the 465 foot mean sea level datum contour line along the Little Miami River. Public uses may include utilities and parks and recreation uses, such as camping, nature interpretation, bicycle or bridle trails, public canoe access and similar recreational activities. Any Permitted (P), Limited (L), or Conditional (C) use in Schedule 1415-05 above is permitted within the river bank area located between 200 feet and 500 feet inland from and congruent with the 465 foot mean sea level datum contour line along the Little Miami River. See § 1415-21 Little Miami Riverfront Area Use Review.

(Ordained by Ord. No. 15-2004, eff. Feb. 13, 2004)