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Code of Ordinances |
§ 1409-17. Building Placement Requirements, CN-P and CC-P Districts.
In the CN-P and CC-P Districts, buildings must be built to street setback lines as illustrated in Figure 1409-17, except as indicated in § 1409-19.
The following rules apply for determining the primary street frontage for building placement. Primary streets are defined as arterials and collectors, and secondary streets are defined as local streets, as defined by the city's functional road classification. Figure 1409-17 illustrates the required placement and enhancement for street frontages.
Frontage on One Street. On a site with frontage only on one street, the building must be located on the front lot line of the street frontage.
Frontage on Arterial or Collector and Local Streets. On a site with frontage on either an arterial or collector street and a local street, the building must be built to the corner of the two streets and provide the majority of transparency on the facade fronting on the arterial street. See § 1409-23.
Frontage on Two Arterial or Two Collector Streets. Sites with frontage on two collector streets must build to the corner of the two streets. The developer may choose on which collector street frontage to provide facade transparency.
Frontage on Three Streets. Sites with frontage on three or more streets must build to the corner of at least one collector street, or two collector streets if they intersect at the property. The developer may choose on which collector street to provide facade transparency.
Figure 1409-17 Building Placement in CN-P and CC-P Districts
(Ordained by Ord. No. 15-2004, eff. Feb. 13, 2004)