§ 1233-5. Application To Establish Fire Protection Districts.  

Latest version.
  • A fire protection district may be established in territory within the outside fire protection line on application of property owners in accordance with the following provisions:


    The application shall be made on blank forms to be provided by the city manager and shall be signed by the owners of not less than 90 percent in tax value of all the improved parcels of real estate within the proposed district. For the purpose of this section, "improved parcel of real estate" shall mean a residence, business or factory building with the entire tract of land occupied or used in connection with it; "tax value" shall mean the value for taxation purposes on the real estate tax duplicate of Hamilton County, as corrected by the county auditor and as certified and delivered, in accordance with Section 319.28 of the Ohio Revised Code, to the county treasurer on October 1 preceding the beginning of the fire protection year;


    The application shall be accompanied by a plat showing the boundaries of the proposed district, the roads thereof and the approximate location of all buildings therein, and specially indicating each building whose owner does not join in the application;


    The application shall designate one or more persons authorized to act for the petitioners;


    The application shall be accompanied by a preliminary fee of $100, which shall be considered as a payment on account, if the proposed district is established, and which shall be forfeited if the contract is refused by the applicant when offered to the applicant.

(C.O. 705-5; renumbered to C.M.C. 711-5, eff. Jan. 1, 1972; renumbered to C.M.C. 1243-5 by Ord. No. 364-1979, eff. Sept. 6, 1979; repealed and reordained as Sec. 1233-5 by Ord. No. 385-1984, eff. Sept. 6, 1984)