§ 1207-7. Educational Occupancies.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Fire exit drills shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the following paragraphs and Section 3737.73 of the Revised Code of Ohio.


    Fire exit drills shall be executed at different hours of the day or evening; during the changing of classes; when the school is at assembly; during the recess or gymnastic periods, etc., so as to avoid distinction between drills and actual fires. If a drill is called when pupils are going up and down the stairway, as during the time classes are changing, the pupils shall be instructed to form in file and immediately proceed to the nearest available exit in an orderly manner.


    Every fire drill shall be an exercise in school management for principal and teachers, with the chief purpose of every drill being complete control of the class so that the teacher will form its ranks quickly and silently, may halt it, turn it, or direct it as desired. Great stress shall be laid upon the execution of each drill in a brisk, quiet, and orderly manner. Running shall be prohibited. In case there are pupils incapable of holding their places in a line moving at a reasonable speed, provisions shall be made to have them taken care of by the sturdier pupils, moving independently of the regular line of march.


    Monitors shall be appointed from the maturer pupils to assist in the proper execution of all drills. They shall be instructed to hold open doors in the line of march or to close doors where necessary to prevent spread of fire or smoke. There shall be at least two substitutes for each appointment so as to provide for proper performance in case of absence of the regular monitors. The searching of toilet or other rooms shall be the duty of the teachers or other members of the staff. If the teachers are to do the searching, it should be done after they have joined their classes to the preceding lines.


    Each class or group shall proceed to a predetermined point outside the building and remain there while a check is made to see that all are accounted for, leaving only when a recall signal is given to return to the building, or when dismissed. Such points shall be sufficiently far away from the building and from each other as to avoid danger from any fire in the building, any interference with fire department operations, or any confusion between different classes or groups.


    Where necessary for drill lines to cross roadways, signs reading "STOP! SCHOOL FIRE DRILL" or equivalent, shall be carried by monitors to the traffic intersecting points in order to stop traffic during the period of the drill.


    All fire exit drill alarms shall be sounded on the fire alarm system and not on the signal system used to dismiss classes.


    Whenever any of the school authorities determine that an actual fire exists, they shall immediately call the fire division using the public fire alarm system or such other facilities as are available.

    (C.M.C. 1207-7; ordained by Ord. No. 364-1979, eff. Sept. 6, 1979; repealed and reordained by Ord. No. 385-1984, eff. Sept. 6, 1984)

    Analogous to CFPC 17-04; ordained by Ord. No. 464-1971, eff. Jan. 21, 1972; r. Ord. No. 364-1979, eff. Sept. 6, 1979.