§ 1201-45. Stop Orders.  

Latest version.
  • The fire chief may issue a notice to stop any work, activity or operation regulated by the provisions of this code for any of the following reasons:


    Whenever there is a violation of any provision of this title, any ordinance of the city or statute of the state relating to the same subject matter;


    Whenever the continuance of any work, activity or operation becomes dangerous to life or property;


    Whenever there is a violation of any conditions on which the issuance of a permit was based;


    Whenever, in the opinion of the fire chief, the person having charge of the work activity or operation is incompetent.

    (C.M.C. 1201-35; ordained by Ord. No. 364-1979, eff. Sept. 6, 1979; repealed and reordained as Sec. 1201-45 by Ord. No. 385-1984, eff. Sept. 6, 1984)

    Analogous to CFPC 1-31; ordained by Ord. No. 479-1972, eff. Nov. 17, 1972; r. Ord. No. 364-1979, eff. Sept. 6, 1979.