§ 1117-47. Maintenance of Foundations Floors, Roofs and Exterior Walls.
1117-47.1 Weathertight: All foundations, floors, roofs and exterior walls of every dwelling shall be reasonably free of holes, large cracks and any loose and deteriorated material, and shall be maintained so as to be reasonably weathertight, and watertight.
1117-47.2 Protective coating: All exterior walls, woodwork and exposed metal portions of every dwelling that are inadequately protected against the weather due to lack of paint, or other approved protective coating shall be painted or otherwise protected against decay, corrosion, or deterioration.
1117-47.3 Improve visibility: In multiple dwellings, the walls of courts not built of light colored material shall, when necessary for improved visibility, be painted a light color and shall be so maintained.
(Ordained by Ord. No. 67-1996, eff. Apr. 5, 1996)