§ 1117-25. Sanitation and Drainage.  

Latest version.
  • 1117-25.1 General: The sanitation and drainage of all residential buildings shall comply with the provisions of §§ 1117-25.1 through 1117-25.3 CBC.

    1117-25.2 Sanitary equipment: Sanitary equipment, including sink drain boards, shall be constructed of approved materials having smooth and impervious surfaces free from concealed fouling spaces. Installation shall be as required in §§ 1117-27. 1117-29 and 1117-31 CBC and in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Chapter 1105 CBC.

    1117-25.3 Sharing kitchen facilities not permitted: The sharing of kitchen facilities by two or more families or apartments shall not be permitted.

(Ordained by Ord. No. 67-1996, eff. Apr. 5, 1996)