§ 855-17. Guest Register Required.
A guest register shall be maintained at all times and the operator shall require each person to whom a room is let for occupancy to sign both name and address in the register prior to renting or occupying the same. In the case of husband and wife, one person may sign for both. A parent or guardian may sign for children in their care.
The operator in charge at the time of signing shall note opposite the name of each guest the room number or numbers of the room or rooms assigned for occupancy and the time and date of beginning such occupancy. When a guest relinquishes occupancy, the operator in charge shall note in the register the time and date of leaving. All entries shall be in ink and shall not be in any manner, erased, obliterated or defaced.
The guest register shall be available for inspection for six months following the date of entry in the register.
(C.O. 740-17; renumbered to C.M.C. 855-19, eff. Jan. 1, 1972; a. Ord. No. 427-1973, eff. Oct. 19, 1973)
Cross reference
Penalty, § 855-99.