§ 729-87. Recyclable Materials.
Taking Recyclables. Recyclable materials placed on the curbside in a city recycling container or other container for recyclable materials will be collected by the city or its authorized agent. No person shall remove any recyclable materials or the container in which they are placed without the consent of the city manager except the owner or occupant of the dwelling or building to which the city recycling container is assigned.
Destruction of Container. Recycling containers provided to residents by the city remain the property of the city. No person shall intentionally deface, damage, or destroy any city recycling container.
Relocation of Container. Each city recycling container is assigned to a specific address. No person shall relocate a city recycling container to an address other than the one to which it is assigned. When a resident vacates the address, the resident shall leave the container at the assigned address.
Setting Out and Removing Containers. Recycling containers shall be set out and removed from the curb at the same time and in the same manner specified for trash containers in Section 729-7, Section 729-9, and Section 729-15 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code.
Recycling Not Mandatory. Nothing in this section shall be construed as mandating participation in the city recycling program or prohibiting recyclable materials from being mixed with trash and set out for trash collection.
Violation Equal to Civil Offense. In addition to any fine imposed by Section 729-99, any person who damages, defaces, destroys, or relocates a city recycling container shall be liable to the city for an administrative penalty equal to the container's replacement value.
(C.M.C. 729-87; ordained by Ord. No. 285-1989, eff. July 6, 1989; a. Ord. No. 046-2011, § 3, eff. March 16, 2011; a. Ord. No. 463-2012, § 2, eff. Oct. 7, 2013)