§ 721-141. Layout.  

Latest version.
  • Driveways near street intersections where the angle between the street lines is 40 degrees or less, shall be constructed so that the end of the curb cut nearest the intersection is not closer than two feet from a point at right angles to the street line at the point of street line intersection, and where the angle between the streets is 80 degrees shall not be closer than four feet. For angles between 40 degrees and 80 degrees the distance shall vary proportionately. The four foot distance shall be maintained for angles up to 100 degrees, and for angles of 140 degrees or more shall not be less than 14 feet. For angles between 100 degrees and 140 degrees, the distance shall vary proportionately.

    Where residential driveways are serving interior lots, the curb cut shall not extend beyond a line drawn at right angles to the street line at the corner of the lot.

    Where driveways, other than residential driveways, are serving interior lots, the curb cut shall not extend beyond a line drawn at right angles to the street line at the corner of the lot, and the line of the driveway shall be no closer than five feet to such line drawn at right angles to the street line at the corner of the lot at a point five back of the curb line. From this point to the property line the driveway will not be less than five feet from the line drawn at right angles to the street line at the corner of the lot. Driveways may be constructed at an angle not less than 60 degrees with the curb line.

    No driveway entrance shall interfere with municipal facilities such as street-lighting poles, traffic signal standards, signs, catch basins, hydrants, crosswalks, public transit loading platforms, public transit stops, utility poles, fire alarm supports, underground pipes or ducts or other necessary street structures. The length and location of each curb cut and lowered curb shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. The applicant for a driveway permit must make arrangements with the proper authority for the adjustment or relocation of the facility affected before a driveway permit will be issued, which arrangements must include provisions for the payment of the cost of adjusting or relocating such facilities if applicable. In no case will it be permissible for a curb cut to be located closer than five feet to any such facility and, more specifically, no part of the facility shall project within the space between the curb cut and a line drawn at right angles to the curb five feet from the curb cut as measured along the curb.

    Filling stations, industrial or business buildings requiring direct entrances for two or more lanes of traffic shall have their driveway layouts approved by the city engineer before receiving their building permits.

    Where the owner of any premises, existing or proposed building or structure contemplates constructing or reconstructing a driveway at the same time as constructing or making alterations to a building or structure, or any other time, such owner shall have the driveway layout approved by the city engineer before constructing the driveway and before a building permit is issued.

(C.O. 701-86; renumbered to C.M.C. 721-141, eff. Jan. 1, 1972; a. Ord. No. 110-2014, § 9, eff. June 29, 2014)