§ 701-60. Animal Task Force.
There shall be an animal task force on animal issues whose duty it shall be to advise the mayor and council on the establishment of appropriate practices and policies regarding animals and the safety of the public.
The animal task force shall be composed of ten to twelve members. Each member shall be appointed by the mayor and approved by council. Within sixty days of the effective date of this ordinance, the mayor shall appoint and the council shall approve the inaugural members of the animal task force. Each member shall serve without compensation and shall be residents of the city. There shall be at least one member engaged in each of the following fields: animal behaviorist, veterinarian, business management, animal rescue or humane shelter, county dog warden, experienced animal law attorney, member of the city solicitor's office or the Hamilton County prosecuting attorney's office, representative from a local social services organization, and public relations/media representative. The chief of police or his designee shall serve as a permanent member. Any additional members shall be selected from the community at large.
Each member shall serve a term of two years. As the term of each member expires, the mayor shall appoint a successor. The mayor shall make appointments to fill vacancies caused by the death or resignation of members in unexpired terms.
The animal task force shall meet as often as necessary but at least semi-annually, shall elect its officers, and adopt its own operating procedures consistent with city practice and policy. The animal task force shall take the following actions:
Coordinate efforts among local organizations.
Develop an action plan.
Establish dog bite prevention priorities.
Generate public and legislative support for dog bite control.
Identify dog bite reporting sources.
Interpret data.
Identify and obtain resources for program activities (educational, financial, staffing).
Provide technical expertise for the program.
Recommend goals and objectives for prevention.
Research, identify, and recommend appropriate training courses for the purposes of section 701-2(C) of this chapter.
Research, identify, and recommend appropriate educational courses for minors.
(Ordained by Ord. No. 062-2015, § 3, eff. April 4, 2015)