§ 513-11. Sales of Impounded Vehicles.
Whenever any vehicle which has been impounded by a police officer remains in the possession of the city, unclaimed by any person having the right to possession of such vehicle, for a period of 20 days, such vehicle shall be sold under the direction of the chief of police at public auction to the highest bidder, after a notice of such auction has been given by advertisement published three times in the City Bulletin or in a newspaper of given circulation within the city of Cincinnati, or otherwise disposed of to a junk yard or other appropriate facility in accordance with the provisions of Section 4513.64 of the Ohio Revised Code.
At least 15 days prior to such sale, a notice shall be mailed by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to the owner of such motor vehicle, if ascertainable, and to all mortgage and lien holders of record, advising them of their rights to claim the vehicle upon payment of all towing, storage and impounding fees, and in addition thereto, the costs of any services performed by the city in order to properly maintain the impounded vehicle.
In addition to junk yards, scrap metal processors who can guarantee that a junk motor vehicle will never again appear back upon the city streets are hereby determined to be a proper facility relating to the disposition of junk motor vehicles as required by Section 4513.64 of the Ohio Revised Code.
(C.O. 511-20; a. Ord. No. 194-1969, eff. June 13, 1969; a. Ord. No. 130-1970, eff. Apr. 29, 1970; reordained as C.M.C. 511-20, eff. Jan. 1, 1972; a. Ord. No. 497-1976, eff. Nov. 26, 1976; renumbered to C.M.C. 513-11 by Ord. No. 367-1979, eff. Sept. 6, 1979)