§ 317-3. Living Wages Required.  

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  • (a)

    The city and every covered employer shall pay its covered employees no less than a living wage, as determined in this section and as hereafter adjusted in accordance with subsection (b) hereof:


    $15.00 per hour for full-time city employees or full-time employees of covered employers;


    $10.10 per hour for seasonal or part-time city employees;


    $11.73 per hour for part-time or seasonal employees of a covered employer that provides employee health care to its part-time and seasonal employees; and


    $13.23 per hour for part-time or seasonal employees of a covered employer that does not provide employee health care to its part-time and seasonal employees.

    For purposes of this subsection (a) regarding city employees, "full-time," "part-time," and "seasonal" city employees shall be determined based on the city of Cincinnati's designation of such individuals for city of Cincinnati employment purposes.

    For purposes of this subsection (a) regarding employees of covered employers, "full-time employees" means those permanent employees who work 1500 or more hours on an annual basis on a single city contract, and "part-time employees" means those permanent employees who work fewer than 1500 hours on an annual basis on a single city contract, and "seasonal employees" means any employees of a covered employer whose services are required only during certain parts of the year, such a position being intermittent in nature, but any such employee designated as seasonal who works 1500 hours or more in any calendar year on a single city contract shall be deemed a full-time employee for purposes of this section for all hours worked on such single city contract.

    No position that otherwise would have been filled with a full-time employee shall be filled with one or more part-time employees in an effort to reduce the living wage rate required by this subsection (a).

    In order to qualify to pay the living wage rate for covered employers providing employee health care to their part-time and seasonal employees under subsection (a) hereof, a covered employer shall furnish proof of said health care coverage and payment therefor to the city manager or the manager's designee. For full-time employees of covered employers as defined in this subsection (a), the living wage is $15.00 per hour, regardless of whether the employer provides health care benefits.


    The amount of the living wages established in this section shall be adjusted upward no later than April 30, 2017 and by April 30 of each year thereafter by a percentage equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the level of the annual average Consumer Price Index as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor for the immediately preceding calendar year over the annual average for the prior year. For each living wage level, the applicable percentage amount shall be converted to a monetary amount by multiplying the most recent living wage under this section for that level by said percentage, rounding upward to the next cent, and adding that amount of cents to the most recent living wage established herein for that level. Prior to April 1 of each calendar year, the city shall notify any covered employer of this adjustment by posting an announcement in the City Bulletin and/or by written letter in the case of a covered employer that has provided an address of record to the city.

(Ordained by Ord. No. 362-2002, eff. Dec. 26, 2002; a. Ord. No. 091-2016, § 3, eff. July 1, 2016)