§ 2. Leadership and governance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Term. The term of the Board shall be for a full calendar year beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 ("Board Term"). Administrative Code Article XXX governs the term and eligibility of each Board member.


    Board Leadership . A majority vote of Board members present at the first regularly scheduled meeting of each Board Term shall elect the Board's leadership, or as necessary upon the resignation or removal of the Board's leadership. The Board's leadership shall consist of a Chair and a Vice-Chair.


    Duties of the Chair . The Chair has the following duties and responsibilities:


    To preside over all regularly scheduled and special Board meetings.


    To decide all points of procedure, unless otherwise set forth herein.


    To sign the final written decisions issued by the Board.


    Duties of the Vice-Chair . The Vice-Chair shall assume all duties of the Chair in his or her absence or incapacity.


    Staff Attorney . An attorney from the City Solicitor's office shall administer all duties and responsibilities necessary to ensure the administrative and procedural operation of the Board pursuant to Administrative Code Article XXX ("Staff Attorney"). The Staff Attorney is the point of contact between the Board and the public and the Board and the Department of Building and Inspections.


    Absence of Board Leadership . In the absence or incapacity of the Chair and the Vice-Chair at a meeting, a majority of the Board members present at the meeting shall elect a temporary Vice-Chair who shall preside over the meeting.


    Public Officials . Board members are public officials and are bound by certain provisions of the Ohio law, including, but not limited to, Ohio Revised Code Sections 102.03, 102.04, and 2921.42.