Cincinnati |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix 00053. General Sanitation. |
§ 00053-3. Sanitation requirements, water supply.
In all dwellings, the owner shall provide an adequate supply of water from the Cincinnati municipal system, and make it available to the occupants through suitable plumbing, continuously maintained in good working condition. The owner shall not shut off or cause to be shut off a water supply except while in the process of making repairs. The owner shall not rent or lease dwelling units, unless they are provided with an adequate, approved water supply. When water from the municipal system is not available, the owner shall provide an adequate supply of clean potable water from an approved private water system, of a quality acceptable to the Health Commissioner.
The potable water distribution system in any building shall be entirely independent of any piping system conveying a non-potable water supply. All potable water distributing pipe shall be protected against natural and induced backflow and back-siphonage. All equipment capable of polluting or contaminating the potable water supply system or any part thereof by means of a reversal of flow, pressure drop, pressure loss, induced vacuum or by injection because of any primary or auxiliary pumping system connected thereto must be isolated and contained by means of approved backflow devices or accepted engineering practices, as defined in RULE 3701-28-03 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
Any material added to the water supply for water conditioning or for any other purpose shall be non-toxic, harmless to humans, and subject to the approval of the Health Commissioner.
All water coolers and drinking fountains shall deliver the water without coming in direct contact with ice, foreign material, or cooling devices of any nature whereby the drinking water may become contaminated.
When a cistern or well is necessary as a potable water supply, the owner shall maintain such well or cistern and its accessory apparatus so as to prevent contamination of the water supply.
When the water in any well becomes contaminated, or fails to comply with the quality standards of the Ohio Department of Health, or when a well is abandoned, the owner shall completely fill the well with grout in order to seal the aquifer to prevent contamination of ground water in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code 3701-28-07 (D).
When the water in any cistern becomes contaminated, or fails to comply with the quality standards of the Ohio Department of Health, or when a cistern is abandoned, the owner shall empty the cistern and then completely fill it with an inert solid material in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code 3701-28-07 (E).
When water from the municipal system becomes available to any dwelling, the owner shall furnish all potable water from that system and immediately abandon the use of any private supply as provided in paragraphs (F) and (G) of this section as potable water.
(Amended March 22, 2011, § 1)